Omar El Dali - Founding director

Specification specialist

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Omar always had interest in how applications help business. This was the source of a focus on understanding of requirements and specification. On the human and communication side of technology. In the thinking that no tech (not even AI!) will specify how you want your application to work in various scenarios. He's tested global trading platforms, space weather systems and brought test-thinking to the DLR for Olympics readiness. His focus on efficient comms and documenting business rules means he often becomes a 'go-to' person for discussions about behaviour. He started Testclub on the principles of specification and automation

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Deepthi Kolla - Technical director

Automation specialist

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Delivering test automation at top level for over 15 years. Vastly experienced and implementing various frameworks across hedge funds, gaming and energy markets. Deepthi specialises in providing robust automation into dynamic fast environments. She has high technical strength and a serene management style


The Testclub

Testclub is a collective. A vehicle to magnify and leverage our principles and ideas. There are no junior members. Only associates with whom we've previously worked and whose skills & results we respect.

The proven concept of Omar and Deepthi (both UK based) as your interface to this myriad of QA related skill is our proposal. A solution to just get QA done with capacity to scale up / down and roll on / off as your needs for QA consultancy or rapid automation delivery change